Environmental Site Assessment

Environmental Reports and Confidentiality

As Professional Engineers, all communication we have with our existing and prospective clients is privileged and confidential, including documents we produce, as well as those sent to us for review.

Environmental Site Assessment

Navigating Environmental Compliance: A Comprehensive Guide to O. Reg 153 and Site Assessments

Ontario Regulation 153/04 (Amended O. Reg. 269/11) is Ontario’s provincial standard for assessment and cleanup of environmentally impacted land. Under O. Reg. 153, land owners can mitigate risk through obtaining a Ministry of the Environment acknowledged Record of Site Condition (RSC). In short, following the process described in O. Reg. 153/04 will allow landowners to…

Environmental Site Assessment

What Happens if My Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Report is Older than 18 Months?

ESAs are a snapshot of the environmental conditions at a property at a moment in time. However, properties are dynamic and change over time. Consider over a few years an area can go from a farmer’s field to a residential development with businesses and infrastructure to support it. A property may have new tenants, or…

Environmental Site Assessment

Key Steps in an Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) are a prescriptive process (meeting CSA or O. Reg. 153/04 standards) used to understand the environmental condition of a property. An ESA can be used to make informed decisions about property transactions, identify certain baseline environmental features, meet regulatory requirements, and identify areas on a site requiring remediation. Generally, ESAs follow a phased…

Environmental Site Assessment

What is Required in Each Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Phase?

Let’s explore what is required in each phase of an Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Activities Requires a non-intrusive historical review of the property, and surrounding properties. This includes documentation from government sources, records, aerial photos, interviews in which the owner must disclose all information about the site, and a…

Environmental Site Assessment

Environmental Site Assessment Basic Evaluation Checklist

If you have an Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and would like to determine if it will meet your needs, ask yourself these questions as a starting point for evaluating. If you answer, “yes” to these questions, you may need to get a new or updated ESA. Record of Site Condition Age of the Report Outstanding…

Environmental Site Assessment

Are All Phase I ESAs Equal?

Comparing O.Reg 153/04 and CSA Standard Environmental Site Assessments in Ontario, and when one is required versus the other.

Environmental Site Assessment

How To Find an Environmental Engineering Firm in Ontario

Do you need an Environmental Engineering Firm in Ontario? For people in Ontario who own property, an environmental engineer or environmental consultant can be a great resource. They’re the best source of information and assistance when managing challenging environmental issues that arise on your site. Why You May Need An Environmental Engineer or Consultant If…

Environmental Site Assessment

How To Keep Costs Down: Environmental Site Assessments in Ontario

For Ontario property owners, including individuals and companies, environmental due diligence is one of the most critical, key consideration, especially as the provincial government increases its stringent policies and regulations for Ontario environmental site assessments, as outlined under the Environmental Protection Act, O. Reg. 153/04: Records of Site Condition. Keeping Costs Down Without Jeopardizing Your…

Environmental Site Assessment

How Much Does An Environmental Site Assessment Cost?

The most common question we are asked regarding the Environmental Site Assessment process is: “How much will an ESA cost for my property?”.