What is Bioremediation?
Simply put, bioremediation is the use of microorganisms and their biological processes (e.g., metabolism) to remediate contamination in soil and groundwater. AEL employs bioremediation in certain cases where an excavation method is too challenging or not cost-effective. For instance, on sites where contamination exists under a building, it is often best practice to use in-situ bioremediation to preserve the site structure and save redevelopment costs. Bioremediation is an effective remediation technology for variety of contaminants of concern (COC).
Is Bioremediation Right For Your Site?
Depending on the type and location of a contaminant on site, bioremediation may serve as an efficacious and cost-effective remedial option for a property. A conversation with one of our environmental engineers can help you understand the steps to take. Generally, site characterization is the first step in determining a remedial action plan.
Contact AEL to speak with us about your goals for your site.
Want to learn more and see how bioremediation was applied to one of AEL’s sites? Check out this case study.